Happy New Year!
Dear Friends,
As we approach the New Year, we are reminded that 37% of the Republic of Cyprus, a member of the European Union, is still under occupation by Turkish troops. We have endured 48 years of an illegal occupation by staying true to our Hellenic values that provide our unity and strength to continue to fight for Human Rights, Freedom and Justice.
We are all disappointed and frustrated with the lack of progress and we’re all upset with the continuous aggressions of Turkey and the belligerent rhetoric of President Erdogan, but we are all totally committed to the struggle of the Cypriot people for justice! Please join us on May 9-11, 2023 for the annual PSEKA Conference in Washington, DC.
The work goes on,
The hope endures and
The dream for a free united Cyprus
Will never die!
We will never forget!
May the New Year bring Freedom for Cyprus!
Happy New Year!
Philip Christopher